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Rural, agricultural and viticulture: our fields of expertise

Sharing the same world and same concerns, the partners and lawyers at TERRÉSA have always been dedicated to these sectors, which may require, perhaps more than others, to have a sharp and global expertise.



Expert Advisers

From basic to specific assignment

The partners and lawyers at TERRÉSA can take part on specific, punctual, inherent missions regarding agribusiness operations on a national level. However, experience has convinced us of the need for a global vision, championed by a multidisciplinary team that has built a specific methodology which has proven its worth.

Discover farming operations

Because “French Farming” is constantly on the move…

Today’s farmer must develop their entrepreneurial skills and become farmer-entrepreneur. This does not detract from the fundamentals of the business itself which is deeply rooted in its terroir and activity. Nonetheless, the evolution of “French Farming” requires to be in tune with realities and to seek tailor-made expert advice. It is within this scope that TERRÉSA law firm provides legal advice and support with, if need be, helpful partnerships with specialist lawyers, chartered accountants, rural property experts, bankers, etc.
By the same token, our expertise is also suitable for supporting multi-sector players such as investors.


