The evolution of farming, the increasing complexity of the regulatory environment, the interference between the patrimonial and the professional involve multiple and specific skills. For some operations, it would be utopian and dangerous to think that a single advice could apprehend everything.

As part of its interventions and multidisciplinary approach, TERRÉSA strives to foster partnerships with notaries, specialist lawyers, chartered accountants, rural property experts, bankers, etc.

Collaboration happens naturally with partners already involved in the case. TERRÉSA acts as “coordinator and”, if necessary, “head hunter” in order to put together the appropriate team.

In order to meet its clients’ requirements and to perfect its multidisciplinary offer, TERRÉSA relies on various specialised law firms – including in particular the LAWRÉA law firm, as well as notarial offices focused on the world of business.
We take advantage of our relationships with a number of professional institutions and organisations (FNSEA, equine organisations, ministries, agricultural banks, etc.).


TERRÉSA is a founding member of the first national inter-professional private practice network at the service of economic actors in the agricultural sector: AGIRAGRI.

AGIRAGRI represents private practice accounting firms (125 offices in metropolitan France and French Guiana) and the TERRÉSA law firm.

With TERRÉSA and through AGIRAGRI, the agri-entrepreneur has at his disposal a wealth of expertise and know-how which is unique in France, whatever his activity, his projects, his geographical location. Advice and service provision are also suited to the currents needs of the rural world in general.